A common goal: Securing our future energy supply with Noordzeker

August 25, 2023

Noordzeker represents independence and security

Noordzeker aims to establish large-scale wind energy generation in the Dutch North Sea, providing sustainable energy for the Netherlands for decades to come. The name 'Noordzeker' symbolizes the project's ambitions, as 'zeker' translates to 'secure' in Dutch. A secure supply of clean, Dutch energy.

By investing seriously in wind energy in the North Sea now, Noordzeker aims to support the acceleration of the necessary transition to sustainable energy. This makes us less dependent on fossil fuels that are harmful to the environment, and on countries and companies that produce oil and gas. Together, we take ownership of our future.

Social security

For over 100 years, ABP has been the pension fund for people who work in the government or education sectors. 1 in 6 people in the Netherlands receive or will receive their pension from ABP. ABP plays a significant role in Dutch social security, striving to provide a good and affordable pension for everyone, both now and in the future. Expected to offer an attractive return, Noordzeker fits in very well with this ambition.

As one of the world's largest pension funds, ABP recognizes its substantial influence and wants its investments to contribute to a sustainable world. From this commitment, the ambition of Noordzeker was born. ABP aims to invest directly in the large-scale generation of wind energy in the North Sea, right here in the Netherlands. By doing so, we seek to support the Dutch energy transition, while delivering a solid and stable return for our pension participants.